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Updated: Apr 3

Eyebrow Threading 101


From a very early age, we slowly begin to develop this love-hate relationship with our eyebrows. Decades past, onset intervention may have consisted of over-tweezing, bleaching, and a painful wax treatment in the comfort of our own bathrooms—but today, the art of eyebrow maintenance has become somewhat of an obsession. As with anything that can impact the overall aesthetic of our face, aestheticians and specialists alike have mastered several corrective options, including our favourite, eyebrow threading.

Let's face it, eyebrow threading is far from a new trend around the globe, but in Western countries, it's a shiny new treat. To get better acquainted, we’re looking at the origins of brow threading and some vital facts about threading that we think you should know!


Threading has been the go-to treatment for removing unwanted hair for close to 6,000 years, only gaining popularity in the Western world in recent years. Originating in India and Central Asia, the technique involves doubling polyester or cotton thread to form a pincer, grabbing hold of the hair and removing it from the follicle in short rows. It’s common for technicians to use both their hands and mouth as they pull, twist, and coordinate the threads.


You’ll Get That Envy-Worthy Shape

It’s no coincidence that every South Asian actress we see has impossibly perfect eyebrows. The reason for this is precision. Threading technicians can remove individual hairs rather than whole patches, allowing for immaculate definition and a shape that works wonders for your features. Under these conditions, you can achieve the brows of your dreams.

Expect a Speedy Visit

What if we told you that brow threading takes under 15 minutes to complete? Experienced technicians will work with you to discuss your shape preference and get to work right away. Return visits are just a matter of cleanup, and you’ll be refreshed and ready for the day in no time.

Great for Sensitive Skin Types

There’s nothing worse than leaving a brow bar feeling worse than when you came in. The whole point is to leave feeling rejuvenated and refreshed! Eyebrow threading is considered one of the mildest treatments for facial hair removal, as you’re not working with any hot waxes or depilatory chemicals, which may leave your sensitive skin irritated. What’s more, the outermost surface of your skin is left intact as the thread is only grabbing your fine hairs.

Get Long-Lasting Results

As with waxing and tweezing, it’s often a gamble whether you’re pulling out the hair from the follicle or just the hair and skin from the surface area. Threading ensures every hair is removed from its root, giving you hair-free, pristine brows for upwards of five weeks.

It’s Less Painful Than the Alternatives

We're not insisting that this is a completely pain-free experience. It is, however, one of the better options out there. Again, because we are only grabbing the hair, you’re not enduring the pulling sensation as you would from waxing, which always grabs the hair and a little extra skin. Your pain tolerance and sensitivity will also come into play.


A vegan alternative to traditional brow tinting, get longer-lasting results, and a fuller brow with Lavoom Salon’s Henna Brow Service! Our products are formulated to promote follicle health and hair regrowth—making this the perfect treatment for fall. Results should last between 4 and 6 weeks.

If you’ve been waiting for perfect brows all your life, wait no longer. Lavoom Salon has experienced brow artist to help bring your brows to the forefront. As they speak volumes in highlighting our facial features, we want to give them the best treatment possible. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment today! If you love all things beauty—don’t forget to check out our online shop for our favourite products!

Share the beauty secrets you've discovered with friends and family – because fabulous brows deserve to be flaunted!

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